help a Halloween

Being in the hospital is hard. Being a kid in the hospital is even harder. Being a kid in the hospital over holidays is the worst. We know, because we've been there. But you can help bring smiles to these mini heroes faces!
Halloween4Heroes Treat Bags are STUFFED with hospital approved goodies, crafts and toys to bring joy to kids in a time that might not feel so great. Please consider helping us reach our goal of 150 bags!

Our friend Piper beat Burkitts Lymphoma in 2018 when she was just 5 years old. To honor her journey of now going on 7 years cancer free, we found a way to give back to the children and the families who are currently in-patient receiving treatment with this annual treat bag drive. Why Halloween you ask? Halloween is typically not a big gift-giving day like Christmas so hospitals do not see many, if any, donations. We often forget how kids love dressing up and going door to door for Halloween almost as much as Christmas. THANK YOU for being here and joining our cause!

About Piper
Piper is a regular 12 year old kid with an amazing story. Back in 2017, she had just started her first week at school in Kindergarten. As with most kids, Piper contracted a small back-to-school chest cold (or so her parent's thought). After weeks of medication and attempts for a diagnosis, it was determined that Piper had advanced Stage 3 Burkitt Lymphoma. With tumors in her head, chest, lungs, kidneys, and stomach...she was admitted to Riley Hospital for Children and started her 6 month treatment journey. In March of 2018, Piper rang the bell signifying the end of her treatment. She is a warrior and remains an inspiration to us all! For more of Piper's story, click the link below.

2023 Photo Gallery

"Piper Lyon and Will DesJean have both stared down cancer. This year, the 9-year-olds worked together to pack treat bags for other Riley kids...."
"Kim Lyon and Samantha Piety have a friendship that goes back to elementary school. They grew up together in Franklin Township and reconnected after they had kids...."

Hi there! Thanks for joining us. Unsure of anything? Want to partner with us next year? Drop us a message below and we will get back to you!


TEAM JOEY, a program started by The Heroes Foundation, invites corporations, organizations and individuals interested in participating in a LEGO drive to help brighten the days of children battling cancer. TEAM JOEY is a LEGO sponsor for the Halloween 4 Heroes treat bags. See how TEAM JOEY supports kids like Piper by watching the short clip below.